Over the past couple years, video interviews have become an
increasingly common part of the hiring process. Because of this, it’s important
to know how to prepare for a video interview.
If you have one coming up soon, don’t worry—this blog will help you
learn all the video interview tips that can help you put your best foot
Types of Video Interviews
Video interviews can either be done live or pre-recorded. No matter
what format the interviewer chooses to use, it’s important to know more about
how they work and how to prepare for them.
Live Virtual Interview
A live video interview is similar to a face-to-face interview. You’ll
have an interviewer, or a panel of interviewers ask you questions in real time.
These interviews are typically hosted on platforms like Skype, Microsoft
Teams, Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Webex.
You may need to install software in advance, though some platforms
allow you to access them on a web browser. Once you know which platform you’ll
be using, it can be helpful to do a test video in the days before your
interview to work out any technical issues.
Pre-Recorded Interview
Pre-recorded interviews typically have a timeframe of a few days where
you can record your answers and send them back to the interviewer to watch
later. Usually, you’ll watch a video first and then record your answers to the
questions they ask.
In a pre-recorded interview you don’t have any actual interaction with
another person. This means there won’t be any visual cues from an interviewer
to encourage you. There also won’t be a chance for a natural dialogue to occur
to help you discuss your answers confidently.
In these cases, it’s helpful to try and imagine that you’re talking to
a real person. You could practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to
What to Wear to a Video Interview
You may be thinking of dressing more casually since you aren’t in
person. However, this is still an interview, so be sure to look professional!
The same rules for what to wear to an interview still apply
whether it is virtual or in-person, however there are some specifics for video
To look your best on camera, choose soft colors instead of bright
colors and patterns. If you choose to wear a tie, pick a solid color as opposed
to a pattern. If you wear glasses, make sure the lighting in the room is
adjusted to reduce any glare from your lenses.
Video Interview Tips and Etiquette
Now that you know more about the types of video interviews and what to
wear, let’s get into some tips that’ll teach you how to prepare for a video
Position the camera so that you are centered on the screen and looking
up slightly. Even though you aren’t in-person, eye contact is still important!
Try to avoid looking directly at your interviewer on-screen while speaking—you
should direct your gaze at the webcam instead (you can look at the screen while
listening, however).
Make sure you appear confident by having correct posture and avoiding
the urge to fidget. While listening, nod and smile at appropriate times to show
the interviewer you’re giving them your full attention.
Practice is always a good idea—try doing a mock interview with a friend
or family member to help you become familiar with the format! This will also
allow you to get feedback about your background, lighting, eye contact, and
Tech Setup and Troubleshooting
Another essential part of learning how to prepare for a video interview
is to take steps to ensure your technology works and there are no
interruptions. This includes:
With technology, there’s always a chance that something may go wrong.
In case your video or audio stops working, it’s good to have a backup plan.
Before the interview, ask the interviewer for a phone number to reach them in
case of technical difficulties.